Why You Should Practice Yodeling

learn to sing

Why practice yodeling?! Here are four of my favorite reasons!

1. Clarity. Getting really clear on when you are singing with thicker folds vs. thinner folds can help you when you need to access those qualities quickly in a song. I also find that it can especially help singers who are struggling to find their lower chest register.

2. Flexibility and agility. It’s like a fabulous cross training exercise for your vocal folds!

3. Psychological comfort. If you ever worry about your voice “cracking” or “breaking”, consider learning how to do it on purpose! That way, you’ll feel more secure knowing that you have the choice to crack/break if you want to, and you can learn how to prevent it if you don’t!

4. Style! A tasty yodel moment works in so many genres! Musical theatre, pop, rock, country, folk, and more!

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