Cynthia's First Broadway Show

inspiration women in theatre

Hi folks, Cynthia here!

I did not move to NYC to do musical theatre. I was 100% classically trained, and I thought my dream was to be an opera coach, and to play with operas, symphonies, and chamber music groups. That all changed on my very first night in NYC.

Seeing my first Broadway show (CRAZY FOR YOU!) and seeing a WOMAN conduct, blew my mind. I instantly knew that I wanted to do THAT. I scrapped my dream of opera and went full throttle towards musical theatre. Three years later, I conducted my first Broadway show. 🥰 I never got a chance to meet the conductor of Crazy For You, so let me publicly thank Pam Drews Phillips for changing my life in that moment! And for being one of the first woman conductors I’d ever seen! You were my first musical theatre idol!

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